My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
My spirit rejoices in God my Savior
I can think of no better words to describe being in the presence of God -
the freedom,
the love,
the lack of tension,
Basking in the light that illuminates the truth.
Giving, and knowing your gift will be appreciated, no matter how small.
Learning to love with your whole heart,
and pleading that you can live like this every day,
knowing that won't happen until the glories of heaven.
Thanking God for a glimpse of what that day will look like,
and renewing your hope that you will make it there.
Reflecting on the life you have built,
evaluating where you haven't lived up to your calling,
and resolving to try harder.
Feeling the communion of saints and angels around you,
grateful that you can join in their unending praise of the one you love.
and that is enough.
Written in Adoration 2/12/16
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